Why Preventative Building Maintenance is important

September 27, 2021by bushellsbuilding0

Why Preventative Building Maintenance is important

Undertaking a regular preventative building maintenance approach, will mean your commercial premises, especially those in retail – will be more ready for the large crowds and people moving through your premises and tenancies.

What are preventive maintenance procedures?

Preventive maintenance (PM) is the regular and routine maintenance of equipment and assets in order to keep them running and prevent any costly unplanned downtime from unexpected equipment failure.

A successful maintenance strategy requires planning and scheduling maintenance of equipment before a problem occurs.

Get in before a small issue becomes a big one!

Finding relatively small issues means you can fix them before something worse happens. You can say goodbye to a lot of unexpected breakdowns, last-minute orders and late-night calls. This is exactly what preventive maintenance helps you do. It doesn’t eliminate failure or issues  altogether – unexpected and random breakdowns will happen unfortunately!

But it does make room for the unexpected stuff so it happens less often and isn’t as much of a strain on your time or resources. Of course, getting to that point is easier said than done. It’s not a quick process. And it’s not a magic bullet. But it’s certainly is worth it.

What to consider – the types of preventative building maintenance

Time-based: Scheduled based on an interval of time. Ie. Every 30 days, every Monday, every first day of the month or every change of season.

Usage/Throughput-based: Scheduled based on the usage of an asset.


Why reactive maintenance can cause you more of a headache!

It costs more! Reactive maintenance costs significantly more due to lost production, rushing, time wasted on emergencies and diagnosing faults, and more.

It’s inefficient – Reactive repairs take longer, drain resources, and interfere with preventive work because too much time is spent diagnosing and fixing the issue. And if a problem isn’t repaired correctly, the issue can re-occur, causing more downtime.

It carries more risk! – Once you have an issue or emergency the risks associated with the job are heightened as staff and technicians are under more pressure to fix things quickly. Add to that any customers that may be impacted – it will cost a lot less time, money and resources to ensure regular maintenance on your property.

The team at Bushells Building and Maintenance can work with you to deliver high quality maintenance services for your business. Contact the team today to find out more. We currently work with a number of industry leaders across WA.

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